Portland’s new District 2 comprises the north part of Portland.

The restructuring of Portland’s city council has led to dozens of our fellow citizens throwing their hats into the election ring. To help you decide which among them are worthy of your vote, we asked each candidate six questions concerning fundamental issues that they, as council members, will have to address. We received thoughtful responses from many of them and we are sharing those responses with you. We have not edited their written responses.

The city is divided into four districts. You will be voting only for candidates from the district where you live. Below are links to the responses from the candidates for District 2.

Elana Pirtle-Guiney (pdf)

James Armstrong (pdf)

Jennifer Park (pdf)

Jonathan Tasini (pdf)

Laura Streib (pdf)

Mariah Hudson (pdf)

Marnie Glickman (pdf)

Michelle DePass (pdf)

Mike Marshall (pdf)

Sameer Kanal (pdf)

Tiffani Penson (pdf)

Will Mespelt (pdf)

Dan Ryan (pdf)

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